Let's discuss some of your fonts: Meeses, one of my darlings, Croakers, Flying Elephants, Tiger Cat, Prissy Pig - there is a certain touch of humor in those fonts, they are somehow charming and friendly. This seems to be your very individual style - we see it again in the Frightful Frames - this font doesn't really make us shiver because it's so heartwarming :) Let us know the background of these fonts and share your joy of creating them with us.

LCR Meeses
I adore cute mice (graphics, NOT real ones! LOL), and when I came across these mice on a clipart CD, I just couldn't resist making them into a dingbat…and the result was my first Dingbat, Meeses. During my Internet travels I always keep an eye open for royalty-free graphics to use, and when I saw the frog used in Croaker King, I fell in love with him and snatched him up. After I introduced him to some of my co-font makers, one of my friends pointed out that he needed a mate, thus the production of Croaker Queen!
When Elephants Fly, Tiger Cat, and Prissy Pig were all made for close friends. Part of the joy in making fonts, for me, is the pleasure and joy they give to others, and the majority of my fonts were made with friends and family, and their likes and personalities in mind. I am aware that my fonts contain a certain "homey" ambiance…that's just me, but when I made Frightful Frames, I truly did try NOT to impart too much of that nature in them, LOL, but as I'm sure you know, the personality of the designer is always going to come through. Frightful Frames were also made with a friend in mind whose favorite holiday is Halloween. It's also one of mine, so don't be surprised if you see even more "Frightful" fonts from me in the future.

LCR Frightful Frames
We are looking forward to the most decorative seasons of the year - autumn, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas time. Any font plans for this wonderful time? I would love to see a free Harvest font with letters being built of ears of corn. Porch Swing did CK Harvest, but it's hard to read or recognize in smaller sizes - and it's a commercial one.
Well, I've already made one for autumn, called Autumn, LOL, but I definitely do have plans for more seasonal fonts in the future. One is another frame Dingbat for Christmas, as well as a couple of Christmas Letterbats. As stated above, you'll probably see more Halloween fonts from me too, one of which I've shown a preview below, called Frightful Tree. Look for it to be finished in the next couple of weeks. I've also got ideas for a few Thanksgiving ones, but haven't got all my thoughts together on those yet.
Frightful Tree Preview 

And a last one - is there anything the community could help you with? We appreciate your work being shared with us and you deserve something in return, right? So what is your wish that you'd tell the font-fairy?
My only wish right now, is for folks to continue to enjoy my fonts, continue to let me know they like them, and for them to continue to let me know what they'd like to see in the future.

I am sure we will make your wish come true. Thanks for the talk!
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